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Egg Rolls on Rice

One of the foods that I have missed since being gluten-free is egg rolls! So I decided to make egg roll filling and put it on rice. It was so yummy!

Here's what you need to make it:

1 1/2 cup of cooked sausage

1 1/2 cup shredded carrots

1 shredded cabbage

1/4 cup mushrooms

2 tablespoons of fresh garlic

2 or 3 diced green onions

Soy sauce (drizzled)

Olive oil (also drizzled)

Salt (optional)


I put my rice in my rice cooker first before I started making the egg roll filling, so my rice was done by the time the egg roll filling was done.

Then, I started cooking the sausage in a separate pan. I started frying the oil, carrots, green onion, and mushrooms. Then, I added the garlic and cabbage.

After the ingredients were cooked, I drizzled soy sauce on top. You can put some rice in a bowl with your egg roll filling on top and it's done!

NOTE: This is a family serving size and not an individual serving size.


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